How to Rogue Radish

STEP ONE: Check our online website and ordering page for the days menu. We work exclusively with small farms and ranches so our daily offering varies. For some items, our supplies are limited. Order early to be sure you get what you want.

STEP TWO: Order onlne for pickup or delivery. Take note of the estimated prep time, it changes when we are busy. If you are dining with friends and would like your food to be ready at the same time, please place one order for the group.

STEP THREE: Pull up to the trailer. Wait patiently for your order to be finished. Breathe. Enjoy.

Suggestions for success:

Order Rogue Radish, then go inside Greater Goods to wait in line for drinks. By the time your coffee or tea is ready, your RR order will likely be too. Lucky you!

Follow rogue.radish on instagram to stay up on current menu

Rogue Radish is a small, outdoor restaurant-on-wheels perched behind Greater Goods Coffee at 2501 East 5th Street. Pull in the the back of the parking lot and look for the big red trailer! We are excited to provide a tasty, balanced lunch at a reasonable price. Our ingredients are sourced to be the freshest possible, and we treat them with care to highlight their quality.

Hope to see you soon!